Wrestling with Wrestling

I don't claim to be woke. Anymore. I've come to despise the term because it's been co-opted by so many different people in so many different ways that it's lost all it's original meaning. Anyone who displays a Hooked on Phonics level of knowledge and compassion for the plight of the marginalized gets labeled as … Continue reading Wrestling with Wrestling

Bored Ambition Reads: Toxicology…

Once upon a time, I was a young, hopeful student at UCLA, working in one of the student stores to keep some money in my pockets. It was in this store that I struck up a relationship with one S. Latria, a relationship that had and continues to, stretch well into the years since we've … Continue reading Bored Ambition Reads: Toxicology…

I Got What I Wanted

You know, I really dislike having a fucking job. I like making money, but I dislike having a fucking job. I say that because it's fucking December and my last post was in February and I had this whole plan to be posting at least once a month this year and yet here the hell … Continue reading I Got What I Wanted

We’re on Ko-fi!!!!/A Thank You Post

For a while, I struggled with whether or not I should do like so many other creators and post a link to a PayPal or CashApp or Patreon link so that the people who read this site could send me money in support of the work that I do. I'll admit that is was mostly … Continue reading We’re on Ko-fi!!!!/A Thank You Post

New Year, Same Me?

I don't like making New Year's resolutions. I don't like them because I don't keep them and I don't keep them because the pressure to make and keep them becomes too much and I end up saying fuck it at least a week into the new year. The act of making resolutions for me is … Continue reading New Year, Same Me?

Thinking of Us or, Why Thinkpieces Give Me Heart Palpitations: A Personal Essay

Pop culture wise, 2018 has been Black as fuck. I'm sure we've had Blacker years, but I bet that 2018 will rank highly among them. Music was good, strides were made in television, and the movies? LAWWWWWDD THE MOVIES!!!! If we weren't the central focus of the narrative, we were definitely up in that bitch … Continue reading Thinking of Us or, Why Thinkpieces Give Me Heart Palpitations: A Personal Essay

Guilt and Shame Are A One-Two (One-Two) Punch

Stop sacrificing because feeling like you need to, for the validity of chossing the mature thing. The survival thing. The "adult" thing [sic].Iron Lion Jackson As we are prone to do, a good friend and I were having a conversation about my various neuroses. He told me that I am carrying a lot of guilt … Continue reading Guilt and Shame Are A One-Two (One-Two) Punch

The Power Post

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power. - Abraham Lincoln You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. - Marcus Aurelius Anyway, once upon a time, my best friend and I would have conversations, as … Continue reading The Power Post

The 2019 Bored Ambition Master Plan

It's finally the end of 2018 and a few days before my 30th birthday, and as many of my ilk - the goal oriented yet jaded, underemployed super millenials- have done or are in the process of doing, I have devised my master plan for 2019, the list of hopefully attainable goals that I will … Continue reading The 2019 Bored Ambition Master Plan

I’m Sick of Nostalgia

Part of The Dirty 30 This post is going to be hypocritical, as I too have waxed poetic over the favorite things from my childhood. Power Rangers, Space Cases, the Fox Kids weekday and weekend lineup, Nickelodeon on Friday and Saturday nights, the beginnings of both Cartoon Network and the Disney Channel, BET, MTV's Rock N … Continue reading I’m Sick of Nostalgia