Thinking of Us or, Why Thinkpieces Give Me Heart Palpitations: A Personal Essay

Pop culture wise, 2018 has been Black as fuck. I'm sure we've had Blacker years, but I bet that 2018 will rank highly among them. Music was good, strides were made in television, and the movies? LAWWWWWDD THE MOVIES!!!! If we weren't the central focus of the narrative, we were definitely up in that bitch … Continue reading Thinking of Us or, Why Thinkpieces Give Me Heart Palpitations: A Personal Essay

I Almost Had to Throw Captain America to the Bushes

Warning: I'm giving y'all a spoiler alert just in case many of y'all haven't seen it. I won't go too much into it, but if you really know what lead up to the Marvel Civil War prior to this film even being made, this may not be an issue for you. Even still, out of … Continue reading I Almost Had to Throw Captain America to the Bushes