Bored Ambition Reads: Toxicology…

Once upon a time, I was a young, hopeful student at UCLA, working in one of the student stores to keep some money in my pockets. It was in this store that I struck up a relationship with one S. Latria, a relationship that had and continues to, stretch well into the years since we've … Continue reading Bored Ambition Reads: Toxicology…

I Never Wanted to Be the Quirky Black Girl, but Here The Fuck I Am

Quirky is a cute word, not quite an Instagram model, but a girl next door. It conjures up images of birds and running in fields of grass and AfroPunk and pins and buttons and pink colored hair and interests that lay in the nerd realm or a carefree sense of being. Quirky is blue skies and dewdrops on grass and a fresh spring breeze. Quirky is summer in the city. It's spending time "finding yourself" and tumblr accounts and blue checks on Twitter.

In the Shadows of Performance

I've made it no secret that my mind can be my own worst enemy. Ever since I was a child I wanted my stream of consciousness to be quiet; I even asked my father of all people if it was something that I could shut off and his answer, to make a short story shorter, … Continue reading In the Shadows of Performance